1,021 research outputs found

    Transmitter Optimization in MISO Broadcast Channel with Common and Secret Messages

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    In this paper, we consider transmitter optimization in multiple-input single-output (MISO) broadcast channel with common and secret messages. The secret message is intended for KK users and it is transmitted with perfect secrecy with respect to JJ eavesdroppers which are also assumed to be legitimate users in the network. The common message is transmitted at a fixed rate R0R_{0} and it is intended for all KK users and JJ eavesdroppers. The source operates under a total power constraint. It also injects artificial noise to improve the secrecy rate. We obtain the optimum covariance matrices associated with the common message, secret message, and artificial noise, which maximize the achievable secrecy rate and simultaneously meet the fixed rate R0R_{0} for the common message

    Power Allocation in MIMO Wiretap Channel with Statistical CSI and Finite-Alphabet Input

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of power allocation in MIMO wiretap channel for secrecy in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. Perfect knowledge of the destination channel state information (CSI) and only the statistical knowledge of the eavesdroppers CSI are assumed. We first consider the MIMO wiretap channel with Gaussian input. Using Jensen's inequality, we transform the secrecy rate max-min optimization problem to a single maximization problem. We use generalized singular value decomposition and transform the problem to a concave maximization problem which maximizes the sum secrecy rate of scalar wiretap channels subject to linear constraints on the transmit covariance matrix. We then consider the MIMO wiretap channel with finite-alphabet input. We show that the transmit covariance matrix obtained for the case of Gaussian input, when used in the MIMO wiretap channel with finite-alphabet input, can lead to zero secrecy rate at high transmit powers. We then propose a power allocation scheme with an additional power constraint which alleviates this secrecy rate loss problem, and gives non-zero secrecy rates at high transmit powers

    Channel Hardening-Exploiting Message Passing (CHEMP) Receiver in Large-Scale MIMO Systems

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    In this paper, we propose a MIMO receiver algorithm that exploits {\em channel hardening} that occurs in large MIMO channels. Channel hardening refers to the phenomenon where the off-diagonal terms of the HHH{\bf H}^H{\bf H} matrix become increasingly weaker compared to the diagonal terms as the size of the channel gain matrix H{\bf H} increases. Specifically, we propose a message passing detection (MPD) algorithm which works with the real-valued matched filtered received vector (whose signal term becomes HTHx{\bf H}^T{\bf H}{\bf x}, where x{\bf x} is the transmitted vector), and uses a Gaussian approximation on the off-diagonal terms of the HTH{\bf H}^T{\bf H} matrix. We also propose a simple estimation scheme which directly obtains an estimate of HTH{\bf H}^T{\bf H} (instead of an estimate of H{\bf H}), which is used as an effective channel estimate in the MPD algorithm. We refer to this receiver as the {\em channel hardening-exploiting message passing (CHEMP)} receiver. The proposed CHEMP receiver achieves very good performance in large-scale MIMO systems (e.g., in systems with 16 to 128 uplink users and 128 base station antennas). For the considered large MIMO settings, the complexity of the proposed MPD algorithm is almost the same as or less than that of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection. This is because the MPD algorithm does not need a matrix inversion. It also achieves a significantly better performance compared to MMSE and other message passing detection algorithms using MMSE estimate of H{\bf H}. We also present a convergence analysis of the proposed MPD algorithm. Further, we design optimized irregular low density parity check (LDPC) codes specific to the considered large MIMO channel and the CHEMP receiver through EXIT chart matching. The LDPC codes thus obtained achieve improved coded bit error rate performance compared to off-the-shelf irregular LDPC codes

    On the Capacity and Performance of Generalized Spatial Modulation

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    Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) uses NN antenna elements but fewer radio frequency (RF) chains (RR) at the transmitter. Spatial modulation and spatial multiplexing are special cases of GSM with R=1R=1 and R=NR=N, respectively. In GSM, apart from conveying information bits through RR modulation symbols, information bits are also conveyed through the indices of the RR active transmit antennas. In this paper, we derive lower and upper bounds on the the capacity of a (N,M,RN,M,R)-GSM MIMO system, where MM is the number of receive antennas. Further, we propose a computationally efficient GSM encoding (i.e., bits-to-signal mapping) method and a message passing based low-complexity detection algorithm suited for large-scale GSM-MIMO systems.Comment: Expanded version of the IEEE Communications Letters pape

    On the Gaussian Many-to-One X Channel

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    In this paper, the Gaussian many-to-one X channel, which is a special case of general multiuser X channel, is studied. In the Gaussian many-to-one X channel, communication links exist between all transmitters and one of the receivers, along with a communication link between each transmitter and its corresponding receiver. As per the X channel assumption, transmission of messages is allowed on all the links of the channel. This communication model is different from the corresponding many-to-one interference channel (IC). Transmission strategies which involve using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference from a subset of transmitters as noise are formulated for the above channel. Sum-rate is used as the criterion of optimality for evaluating the strategies. Initially, a 3×33 \times 3 many-to-one X channel is considered and three transmission strategies are analyzed. The first two strategies are shown to achieve sum-rate capacity under certain channel conditions. For the third strategy, a sum-rate outer bound is derived and the gap between the outer bound and the achieved rate is characterized. These results are later extended to the K×KK \times K case. Next, a region in which the many-to-one X channel can be operated as a many-to-one IC without loss of sum-rate is identified. Further, in the above region, it is shown that using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference as noise achieves a rate point that is within K/21K/2 -1 bits from the sum-rate capacity. Subsequently, some implications of the above results to the Gaussian many-to-one IC are discussed. Transmission strategies for the many-to-one IC are formulated and channel conditions under which the strategies achieve sum-rate capacity are obtained. A region where the sum-rate capacity can be characterized to within K/21K/2-1 bits is also identified.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Revised and updated version of the original draf

    Generalized Spatial Modulation in Large-Scale Multiuser MIMO Systems

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    Generalized spatial modulation (GSM) uses ntn_t transmit antenna elements but fewer transmit radio frequency (RF) chains, nrfn_{rf}. Spatial modulation (SM) and spatial multiplexing are special cases of GSM with nrf=1n_{rf}=1 and nrf=ntn_{rf}=n_t, respectively. In GSM, in addition to conveying information bits through nrfn_{rf} conventional modulation symbols (for example, QAM), the indices of the nrfn_{rf} active transmit antennas also convey information bits. In this paper, we investigate {\em GSM for large-scale multiuser MIMO communications on the uplink}. Our contributions in this paper include: (ii) an average bit error probability (ABEP) analysis for maximum-likelihood detection in multiuser GSM-MIMO on the uplink, where we derive an upper bound on the ABEP, and (iiii) low-complexity algorithms for GSM-MIMO signal detection and channel estimation at the base station receiver based on message passing. The analytical upper bounds on the ABEP are found to be tight at moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The proposed receiver algorithms are found to scale very well in complexity while achieving near-optimal performance in large dimensions. Simulation results show that, for the same spectral efficiency, multiuser GSM-MIMO can outperform multiuser SM-MIMO as well as conventional multiuser MIMO, by about 2 to 9 dB at a bit error rate of 10310^{-3}. Such SNR gains in GSM-MIMO compared to SM-MIMO and conventional MIMO can be attributed to the fact that, because of a larger number of spatial index bits, GSM-MIMO can use a lower-order QAM alphabet which is more power efficient.Comment: IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, accepte